- 2024-07-26 08:09:13
This morning I drove to work for 2 hours, on getting to the office I had so much work load that I ended up sitting for 7 hours on the desk…..phew I was done and couldn’t wait to get home and relax. I was in the traffic again for another 2 hours or so, sat on the couch for another 3 hours just to follow on the news.
By the time I retired to my bed I had o energy left on me…..am sure most of us can relate to my ordeal!!!!!
You see the human body is designed to move!
When you sit, you use less energy than you do when you stand or move. Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. They include obesity and a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — these make up metabolic syndrome. Too much sitting overall and prolonged periods of sitting also seem to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Any extended sitting — such as at a desk, behind a wheel or in front of a screen — can be harmful. An analysis of 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels found that the risk posed by sitting for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity is the same as that posed by obesity and smoking. However, same study found that 60 to 75 minutes of moderately intense physical activity a day countered the effects of too much sitting.
It therefore seems clear that less sitting and more moving overall contribute to better health. You might start by simply standing rather than sitting when you have the chance or finding ways to walk while you work. For example:
The impact of movement — even leisurely movement — can be profound. For starters, you'll burn more calories. This might lead to weight loss and increased energy. Also, physical activity helps maintain muscle tone, your ability to move and your mental well-being, especially as you age.
So don’t just sit there……keep moving!!
Naomi Wausi
Spine health and sports injury clinic
Curing when it hurts.